A choice of herbal teas to support your needs
A blood-building, iron-rich tonic that gives strength and vitality to those who are low in iron and easily fatigued. The formula is easily absorbed and will not cause constipation. Great support for when you have a lot of physical demands made on you.
It is safe to take during pregnancy and will support your system and the growing demands made on it.
Ingredients: Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Nettle
50 grams loose herbs in a resealable, reusable or recyclable tin.
Wise Woman is a grounding and uplifting mix to nourish and help alleviate symptoms of menopause and peri-menopause.
Ingredients: Rose Petals, Black Cohosh, Lady’s Mantle, Red Clover, Motherwort, Oat Straw, Nettle, Angelica
Moontime tea is nurturing and soothing, balancing hormones and harmonising emotions. it stimulates the uterus and is anti-spasmodic. It is such a nurturing tea many women drink it throughout the month.
Ingredients: Red Clover, Lady’s Mantle, Chamomile, Passiflora, Jasmine