What to expect at your first Mizan appointment?
Here is a little guide as to what you may experience at your first session with me. Most first appointments take between 2-3 hours. You may have already filled in your client intake/information form, and we will go through it or we may fill it in together, covering areas of your life including the physical, medical, emotional, spiritual aspects; past and present. What your menstrual cycle is like, your family history, and anything that is going on for you. Sometimes these questions may bring up things that you need to talk about, but often Mizan is a lovely way to shift emotional issues with minimum words. You can share as much or as little as you like.
One of the most common questions asked is what do I need to wear? Mizan is a very discrete massage. You will be mostly covered by a sheet, and blankets or towels. For your lower body, it’s easier if you are just in pants, so that we don’t have to deal with the waistband of trousers or leggings. You will be covered over. But if you prefer to wear trousers, that’s ok too. Make sure they are loose, can be easily lowered, and you are not precious in case we get massage oil on them. On your upper body, you are fine with your bra on, and a top such as a t-shirt or vest is ideal. Something that can be easily brought up so that we can get to your upper abdomen and midway up your back. Again, you will be covered over for warmth, but please make sure that it is not something that will ruin if we get massage oil on it.
Socks! Unless you have a major sock aversion or you live in a very warm place, socks are good! Warm feet equals a much happier womb!
After your initial consultation, I will either leave you to get yourself on the bed, or help you if that is needed. I will ensure that you are comfortable and warm before I begin. The Mizan massage starts on the front of your body, palpating your lower abdomen to get a guide of how your womb is positioned, if there is more tension or tightness on one side or the other. This is on your lower abdomen, just above your pubic bone. The sheet will be lightly tucked into your pants to keep your dignity intact! I will first of all work on your lower and upper abdomen. Followed by some lymphatic system massage & moves, to help your body clear out what it needs to.